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New kid in Tokyo "nostalgia" shelves on the

2015-02-08 11:17:19来源: 18183

在游戏中,玩家负责操纵着一只会飞行的小鬼,具体玩法为让这只小鬼避开从四面八方迎来的危险,同时将屏幕中的敌人给消灭掉。而这些敌人则来源于人类的梦境。 《小鬼在东京》是由波兰华沙的独立游戏制作组We Are Vigilantes出品的一款非常有意思的手机游戏,这也是他们的首款手游。根据消...

in the game, game player is responsible for the manipulation of a flying imp, specific rules for let this kid out of danger from the from all sides ushered in, at the same time the screen to eliminate the enemy. But these enemies is derived from the human dream. "The imp is from Poland Warsaw independent games group We Are Vigilantes produced a very interesting mobile phone games in Tokyo", this is their first Mobile Games. According to the fire...