新关注 > 信息聚合 > 预计年后公测 《辐射:避难所Online》新春先行测试招募开启

预计年后公测 《辐射:避难所Online》新春先行测试招募开启

Years is expected to open beta "radiation: shelters Online" spring test first, the open recruitment

2019-01-21 14:02:08来源: 天极网

由美国顶级游戏公司Bethesda Softworks, LLC监制、盛大游戏自主研发的辐射官方探险经营手游《辐射:避难所Online》自首次曝光后,深受“辐射”系列玩家和

By the top game company Bethesda Softworks, LLC, shanda games official independent research and development of radiation adventure management mobile game after the radiation: shelters Online for the first time since the exposure, and by the "radiation" series of players