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OMG大哥退役 江湖再无四大传奇上单

OMG brother retired arena is no longer the four legends on single

2015-09-15 19:02:56来源: TechWeb

9月11日,OMG战队的大哥、灵药和诺夏同一天内不约而同的在微博宣布退役,OMG也迎来了推倒重建。 随着大哥Gogoing的退役,国内四大传奇上单PDD、草莓、神超和大哥全部离开了赛场,一个属于他们的时代宣告结束。 前IG队长“蛇王”PDD刘谋是四大上单中退役最早的选手,在去年6月份...

9 November, OMG's older brother, elixir and Connaught summer a day invariably in micro Bo announced retirement, OMG has ushered in the tear down the reconstruction. With the big brother Gogoing's retirement, the domestic four legendary PDD, strawberry, God and big brother all left the field, a time of their era declared end. Former captain IG PDD Liu Mou "loafing" is the four largest single in retired the first player, in June last year...