新关注 > 信息聚合 > 爱跨界的《堡垒之夜》下个联动目标可能是《蝙蝠侠》


Batman may be the next target of the cross-border "Fortress Night"

2019-09-19 10:55:31来源: 游戏时光

《堡垒之夜》经常会搞一些跨界联动,继《疾速备战》《怪奇物语》之后,下一个联动项目可能会是《蝙蝠侠》。疑似载入图片推特用户 Lucas7yoshi 通过数据挖掘,解析出了一大批《堡垒之夜》游戏中的素材。其中包括挑战、道具、以及疑似的加载图片。图片清晰的展示了蝙蝠侠的 LOGO、蝙蝠侠标志的道具、以及哥谭市的夜景。看来和《蝙蝠侠》的联动已经是板上钉钉了,玩家只需等待官方正式宣布即可。来源:EuroGamer

"Fortress Night" often has some cross-border linkages. After "Quick Prepare for War" and "Strange Tales", the next link project may be "Batman". Lucas 7yoshi, a Twitter user suspected of loading pictures, has parsed a large number of material from the game Fortress Night through data mining. These include challenges, props, and suspected loading pictures. The picture clearly shows Batman's LOGO, the props of Batman's logo and the night scene of Gotham. It seems that the connection with Batman has been nailed down. Players just need to wait for the official announcement. Source: EuroGamer