新关注 > 信息聚合 > 奇葩游戏 你玩过女主角都死了的游戏吗?

奇葩游戏 你玩过女主角都死了的游戏吗?

The exotic game You played the game of the heroine is dead?

2016-09-29 09:01:19来源: 新浪

曾几何时,恋爱游戏可以说培养了一大批的二次元爱好者。但目前恋爱游戏不但本身销量严重下滑,就连改编的动画也开始变得无人问津了。为此,制作方也在考虑用比较奇葩的方式来吸引眼球。例如说,近日就有一款女主角全都死了的游戏诞生。 这款游戏是由LIFE0出品,名为《SEVEN DAYS 跟你度过...

Once upon a time, the game can cultivate a large number of secondary yuan lovers. Game but now not only itself sales decline, even the adaptation of the animation are becoming fallen by the wayside. For this, the producers are also considering using more wonderful work to attract eyeballs. For example, recently there is a heroine all dead game was born. This game is produced by LIFE0, named "SEVEN DAYS spent with you...

标签: 游戏