新关注 > 信息聚合 > 富二代打电竞:做选手年入4亿 当主播月入6000万

富二代打电竞:做选手年入4亿 当主播月入6000万

Rich second generation playing e-sports: do players in 400 million When the host an income of 60 million

2016-09-29 02:31:38来源: 新浪

作为电子竞技史上最伟大的职业选手之一,“教主”Flash一度是《星际争霸》的代名词。即使在退役一年后,Flash在《星际争霸》和《星际争霸2》乃至整个电竞届仍拥有着极高的人气和关注度。 近期,有媒体联系到了“教主”Flash本人,采用特殊的方式采访了Flash。Flash也向我们透露...

As electronic competitive one of the greatest professional player, "leader" Flash once is synonymous with starcraft. Even in retired a year later, Flash in starcraft and starcraft ii and even the whole e-sports still has the extremely high popularity and attention. Recently, the media contact the "leader" Flash himself, using a special way to interview the Flash. Flash also revealed to us...

标签: 电竞 主播