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邮轮/振动棒/iPhone 6S 盘点互联网公司哪些奇葩..

Cruise / vibrator / iPhone 6S inventory of Internet companies which wonderful ..

2016-02-03 07:57:27来源: TechWeb

临近新春,各大公司的年会也是开得热火朝天的,尤其是互联网公司们每年都能引来诸多眼球,而且似乎完全没有受到资本寒冬的影响,尤其是那些逆市上扬、业绩出色的公司,更是玩出了新高度。 下面我们就来盘点一下...

Chinese New Year approaching, the major company's annual meeting is also open in full swing, especially Internet companies have attracted a lot of attention every year, and it seems completely not affected winter capital, especially those bucked the market, outstanding performance of the company, it is playing a new height. Here we have to take stock of what ...