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Mate S压感版 带来按压使用新习惯

Mate s pressure sense version bring press using new habits

2015-11-20 17:37:50来源: 中关村在线

自9月初华为最新旗舰Mate S在德国IFA展上正式发布以来,市场和产品表现均十分出色,尤其是其拥有的炫酷"黑科技"压力感应屏幕的压感版更是引人关注。与之前以往普通的智能手机相比,Mate S压感版...

since early September Huawei's latest flagship mate s in Germany IFA exhibition officially released, market and product performance are very good, especially it has cool black technology pressure sensitive screen pressure sensitive version is a concern. Compared with previous ordinary smartphone, S Mate pressure sensor version...