新关注 > 信息聚合 > 萌宠美食《贝狗上菜》现已加入萌物豪华套餐


Adorable pet dog food "delicacy" berlings has joined the adorable Deluxe Package has launched the

2015-12-14 17:41:42来源: 4399

曾经推出过手机游戏《动物之村》的台湾游戏商“口袋软体”在12月11日宣布推出一款插画风格的趣味休闲游戏《贝狗上菜》(Serve Up! Bagel and Friends)正式登陆iOS和安卓平台。...

mobile phone game "animal village" Taiwan game "pocket" software announced a illustration style fun casual games "berlings dog" in December 11th serving (Serve Up! Bagel and Friends) officially landed iOS and Android platform. ...