新关注 > 信息聚合 > “百节之乡”三江 月月过节喜连绵(图)

“百节之乡”三江 月月过节喜连绵(图)

"Sanjiang 100 town" on holidays like rolling (Figure)

2015-12-27 10:49:57来源: 广西新闻网

12月26日第十二中国侗族多耶节开幕式现场。广西新闻网记者 李伟国摄 广西新闻网柳州12月27日讯(记者 李伟国)中国侗族多耶节创办于2003年,至今已成功举办了十一届,它以“欢乐、友谊、安定、团...

The opening ceremony of the December 26th twelfth Chinese Dong Doyle festival. Guangxi News Network reporter Li Weiguo taken China Dong Doyle festival in Liuzhou, Guangxi News Network December 27 hearing (reporter Li Weiguo) was founded in 2003, has been successfully held the eleventh, it with "joy and friendship, stability,...