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Alipay will pay for the real name system: new network

2016-03-22 18:40:49来源: TechWeb

【TechWeb报道】3月22日消息,今天支付宝在官方微博宣布,为了配合将在今年7月1日正式生效的《非银行网络支付管理办法》,将于近期邀请部分用户完成账户升级,以落实相应的名制要求。 据悉央行此前出台的《非银行网络支付管理办法》征求意见稿将支付账户分为综合账户和消费账户两种类型,其中综...

[TechWeb] March 22nd News reported today, Alipay announced on the official micro-blog, in order to meet in July 1st of this year will come into effect the "management approach" non bank online payment, some users will be invited to complete the account upgrade in the near future, in order to implement the requirements of the corresponding name system. It is reported that the central bank had issued the non bank network payment management approach to the draft will pay the account is divided into two types of integrated accounts and consumer accounts, which integrated...