新关注 > 信息聚合 > 汉江消防举行趣味亲子运动会 消防版“撕名牌”掀..

汉江消防举行趣味亲子运动会 消防版“撕名牌”掀..

Hanjiang River Fire Fire Games held fun parent-child version of "tore famous" lift ..

2016-03-28 20:12:55来源: 荆楚网

“闯难关救花朵”比赛环节 “撕名牌除隐患”掀起活动热潮 荆楚网消息(记者龚宇轩、通讯员杨会)穿消防战斗服折返跑、压爆气球后答题、撕掉背后粘贴的火灾隐患名牌……3月28日,汉江消防支队在仙桃消防...

Fire hazards famous "break the storm rescue Flowers" part of the game, "famous brand in addition to tear hazards" craze set off activities Sports Network (correspondent Gongyu Xuan, Yang correspondent will) wearing fire fighting service shuttle, balloon burst pressure after answer, tear pasted behind ...... March 28, fire brigade in Xiantao Hanjiang River fire ...