新关注 > 信息聚合 > 北京上半年食品投诉总量上升 金凤成祥蛋糕发霉商..

北京上半年食品投诉总量上升 金凤成祥蛋糕发霉商..

Beijing food in the first half of total complaints rising jinfengchengxiang cake moldy Sina..

2015-07-08 03:25:43来源: 新浪

上半年食品投诉总量上升 金凤成祥蛋糕发霉商家赔10倍 北京市消协昨天公布了今年上半年食品投诉的情况分析。市消协指出,食品类投诉总量上升,质量问题最多,变质或过期成为惩罚性赔偿的主要原因。 ...

food during the first half of the year the total complaints rising jinfengchengxiang cake moldy businesses pay 10 times the Beijing Consumers Association yesterday released the analysis of food complaints in the first half of this year. City Consumers Association pointed out that the total number of food complaints rose, the quality of the problem, the main reason for the deterioration or expired punitive compensation. ...