新关注 > 信息聚合 > 走进中国少数民族特色村寨--红岩村


Characteristics of ethnic minorities into the Chinese Villages - Red Rock Village

2016-03-15 23:00:56来源: 大河网

走进盘锦市盘山县胡家镇红岩村,民族特色房舍一派新奇,太阳能路灯充满现代气息,繁花绿树装点着休闲广场。 一个街道整洁、环境优美、和谐平安、充满民族风情的新农村呈现在大家面前,红岩村民族特色村寨建设...

Into Panjin Panshan Village Hongyan Hu town, new school premises ethnic characteristics, solar street full of modern, decorated with flowers and greenery leisure plaza. A street clean, beautiful environment, harmonious and safe, new rural area full of ethnic style in front of everybody, Red Rock Village ethnic village building ...