新关注 > 信息聚合 > 日本都卖疯啦你不知道的樱花妹子的美肌秘诀就是..


Japan are selling crazy you do not know the secret of beautiful skin is cherry sister ..

2016-03-23 15:26:56来源: 大河网

几年前,央视热播的纪录片《舌尖上的中国》中一集讲述了发酵食品和大豆:“在蛋白质的提供上,大豆食品是唯一能够抗衡肉类的植物性食材。”许多大豆发酵食品都是祖先留下的美味。 日本从古亦有食用大豆的文化...

A few years ago, CCTV hit documentary "A Bite of China" in the episode about the fermented foods and soy: "In providing the protein, soy foods is the only way to contend meat plant ingredients." Many fermented soybean food are ancestral delicious. Japan also consuming soy ancient culture ...