新关注 > 信息聚合 > 此方酱の游戏日记:高考?恋爱?100天!


This sauce of game diary: college entrance examination? Love? 100 days!

2015-08-14 15:43:00来源: 新浪

唔~呼呼呼(*/ω*)~米娜桑一定想我了吧(并不!)~这里是此方酱(微博)。 最近,某宅(划掉)朋友推荐了一款国产galgame——《高考恋爱100天》。 某宅:此方,快去玩游戏!学习和女朋友,真的超级难抉择~ 此方酱听完,内心OS:“这不就是说明你对学习的爱不够啊~对女朋...

well ~ (* * / W) whirring call to guys must want to me (not!) Here is the recipe (micro blog). Recently, a house (cross) friend recommended a domestic GALGAME -- "100 days" in college entrance examination. A house: this party, to play games! Learning and girlfriend, really super hard to choose this recipe to listen to the heart OS: "this is not to say you love to learn enough ah ~ to the girlfriend...

标签: 游戏