新关注 > 信息聚合 > 虐心大戏虐不停 《花千骨》新资料片即将上演

虐心大戏虐不停 《花千骨》新资料片即将上演

Child drama abuse does not stop the spend thousands of bone, "a new piece of information is staged

2015-08-13 11:13:14来源: 4399

在电视剧情进入高潮时,《花千骨手游》也将于近期推出全新资料片,据悉此次的新资料片紧贴妖神出世的剧情,让玩家身临其境的感受花千骨的爱恨抉择!关于这一次的新资料片,小编也做了一些大胆的猜想! 猜想一:妖神之谜 此次新资料片上线的时间点,刚好和电视剧中妖神出世的剧情相吻合,作为一款高度还原...

in TV drama in the climax, the spend thousands of bones in the hands of the tour" will also recently launched a new piece of information, it is reported that the new data sheet close to the demon God was born of the story, allowing the player immersive feel spend thousands of bone of the love hate choices! On this a new piece of information, Xiaobian also made some bold guess! Guess: the mystery of the demon God of the new piece of information on-line time, just and the plot of the drama demon God was born coincide, as a highly reduced.