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钟汉良代言《天涯明月刀》 再饰美男"傅红雪"

Recently the horizon moon knife "endorsement of Wallace and act the role ofing handsome fugongxue

2015-08-10 16:23:22来源: 千龙

近日,引发重重悬念的《天涯明月刀》“古装男神”代言事件,于8月10日揭晓真相。曾经出演过傅红雪的“国民男神”钟汉良正式成为网游《天涯明月刀》首位代言人,期待与广大玩家“一剑钟情”。 一剑钟情钟汉良 携手漫步一起浪迹天涯 众所周知,钟汉良是现今男星中极少数几个曾经扮演过“武侠四大家”...

triggered heavy suspense the horizon moon knife" costume male god "endorsement event. On August 10, announced the truth. Has starred in fugongxue national male god "Wallace has officially become a net swims the horizon moon knife" first spokesperson, look forward to working with the majority of players "sword love". Sword loving Wallace walk hand in hand together known as rove all over the world, Wallace is nowadays the actor in very few once played "knight errant four everybody".