新关注 > 信息聚合 > 老队长发与B神亲密合照 誓言明年再战

老队长发与B神亲密合照 誓言明年再战

Old captain hair and B God intimate photo vows next year

2015-08-10 14:32:42来源: 游久网

老队长发与B神亲密合照,并誓言捍卫中国DOTA,来年再战!.. TI5硝烟散尽,最终CDEC未能续写黑马传奇,EG战队成功。 今日,老队长ROTK发出微博,表示要捍卫中国DOTA,誓言来年再战! 不过,有意思的是这张配图上,老队长放上了与B神的合影。难道暗示将与B神携手,再战...

old captain hair and B God intimate photo, and vowed to defend Chinese DOTA, battles in the coming year! TI5. The smoke cleared, the final CDEC failed writing horse legend, EG team success. Today, the old captain ROTK sent to defend China micro-blog, said DOTA, vowed to fight again next year! However, it is interesting that map, the old captain put a photo with the God B. Don't imply that B will join hands with the God of battles...