新关注 > 信息聚合 > 访谈:炉石传说冠军的试炼确定8月中旬上线


Interview: hearthstone Championship trials identified in mid August launched new expansion

2015-08-07 18:10:42来源: 4399

炉边传说的新扩展包“冠军的试炼”真的就在眼前了。今日媒体又通过“枪术对决”的新消息披露,好奇心就更大了。韩服媒体对暴雪炉石团队进行了访谈——原文很长,外加是韩语,以下翻译来源于DNF那边韩语翻译友情应援,非常感谢。 Q:这次版本是以英雄使用能力发挥“激励”效果为核心内容,抓这个重点的原...

fireside tales of the trial of the champion really in front of the bag. Today the media through the "news spearplay showdown" disclosure, curiosity is greater. Korean media for Blizzard hearthstone team interviews -- the original is very long, plus is Korean. Translate the following sources in DNF there Korean translation friendship support, thank you very much. Q: This version is to use the hero's ability to play a "incentive" effect as the core content, to grasp the key of the original...

标签: 炉石传说