新关注 > 信息聚合 > 都不能错过 2015上半年最佳单机游戏盘点

都不能错过 2015上半年最佳单机游戏盘点

Don't miss the first half of 2015 the best single game inventory

2015-07-07 16:54:29来源: 新浪

已经七月了,你回过神来了吗?2015年已经过去一半了,在上半年精彩游戏不少,有顶级3A大作比如《巫师3》,《阿甘骑士》,有黑马比如《血源》,《喷射美少女》,还有许多独立游戏佳作比如《奇异人生》等等,可谓是百家争鸣,百花齐放。 在玩家翘首企盼下半年的神作到来之际,不妨回过头来看看上半年...

Sina has been in July, you came back out? 2015 is over half, in many exciting games in the first half, top 3A works such as "Wizard", Forrest Knight ", dark horse such as" blood "," jet beauty girl ", there are many independent game masterpiece such as the singular life" and so on, can be described as hundreds of contend, let a hundred flowers blossom. In the first half of the game player waiting for the arrival of the God, may wish to have a look back to the first half of the year...

标签: 游戏