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改造“一言堂” 北大“小班”撬动创新人才培养

The transformation of "What I say goes." North "small class" move the cultivation of innovative talents

2015-01-25 08:13:56来源: 人民网

独立思考、批判思维、个性发展——这些创新型人才必备的要素,如何通过大学的教育传递给学生?北京大学的做法是改造课堂,将传统的灌输式“教师一言堂”改造为由院士、知名教授领衔的“小班课教学”。 作为两年来北大最重要的本科生教学改革,“小班课教学”试点工作是2012年3月由现任北京大学校长,...

independent thinking, critical thinking, personality development -- the innovative talents essential elements, how to pass the university education is transferred to the students? The practice of Peking University is to transform the classroom, the traditional "teacher What I say goes. indoctrination" transformation as an excuse, well-known academician Professor led the "small class teaching". Undergraduate teaching reform as the most important years in Peking University, "the pilot work of small class teaching" in 2012 March by the president of Peking University,...