新关注 > 信息聚合 > CES Asia 2016:英特尔演绎技术如何重塑消费

CES Asia 2016:英特尔演绎技术如何重塑消费

Asia CES 2016: Intel interpretation of how to reshape the consumer technology

2016-05-12 00:25:14来源: 南方网

在今天揭幕的亚洲消费电子展(CES Asia 2016)上,英特尔重点阐述了塑造未来的关键趋势,并精彩展示了技术如何以巨大威力重塑人类日常生活方方面面的体验,包括颠覆运动和游戏体验、变革健康管理和健...

In today unveiled the Asian consumer electronics show (CES Asia 2016), Intel focus on shaping the key to the future trend, and wonderful show the technology how to aspects of the enormous power to reshape human daily life experience, including subversion of sports and games experience, the transformation of health management and health.