新关注 > 信息聚合 > Mobileum推针对VoLTE网络的漫游解决方案


Mobileum push for VoLTE network roaming solution

2015-03-03 10:10:07来源: CTI论坛

用户通过 VoLTE 网络漫游时,下一代漫游解决方案可帮助运营商提高收入并改善客户体验 提供电信业务转型的分析解决方案的领导者 Mobileum发布 VoLTE 就绪的下一代漫游解决方案。用户通...

user through VoLTE network roaming, roaming the next generation solutions can help the operators to increase revenue and improve customer experience and provide analysis of telecom business transformation solutions leader Mobileum released the next generation of roaming solution for VoLTE. The user through...