新关注 > 信息聚合 > 莱西文化志愿者走进市福利中心 送上京剧"大餐"

莱西文化志愿者走进市福利中心 送上京剧"大餐"

The culture of Laixi City welfare center to send volunteers into the opera "big"

2015-06-16 10:57:44来源: 青岛网络电视台

演出现场。 为丰富老年人精神文化生活,弘扬中华民族“尊老敬老”的传统美德。6月12日莱西市文化志愿者“关爱老年人”慰问团到莱西市社会福利中心为老人们送上一场精彩的京剧“大餐”。 12日一早,...

. To enrich the cultural life of the elderly, promote traditional virtues of the Chinese nation "aged". June 12th Laixi city culture, caring for the elderly, condolences to the community welfare center for the elderly in Laixi to send a wonderful Beijing opera". 12 days early in the morning,...