新关注 > 信息聚合 > 海南考试局邀考生家长观摩高招录取现场 报名限额..

海南考试局邀考生家长观摩高招录取现场 报名限额..

Hainan Examination Bureau invites candidates parents observe enrollment site registration quota..

2015-07-15 23:13:57来源: 南海网

南海网海口7月15日消息(南海网记者 杨曦 实习生 孙春丽)7月15日,南海网记者从海南省考试局获悉,为贯彻落实《教育部办公厅关于做好2015年全国普通高校招生录取工作的通知》精神,深入实施阳光招生...

South China Sea in Haikou, July 15 news (Nanhai network reporter Yang Xi Chun Li sun Intern) 7 April 15, Nanhai network reporter from the Hainan Provincial Examination Bureau was informed that, in order to implement the general office of the Ministry of Education on doing a good job in 2015 national college admission notice, "the spirit, in-depth implementation of the enrollment in the sun...