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Chinese wheelchair basketball victory over Japan, won the Asian Paralympic gold medal

2014-10-24 12:35:45来源: 华体网

10月24日,2014年仁川亚残运会轮椅篮球比赛落幕,中国女篮在决赛中以65-43大胜日本队,夺得亚残运会金牌。 在此前的比赛中,中国轮椅女篮曾先后以111-6狂虐东道主韩国队、111-15血洗伊...

10 on Sept. 24, 2014 Hitoshikawa A Paralympic wheelchair basketball game ended, Chinese women's basketball team in the final 65-43 victory over the Japanese team, won the Asian Paralympic gold medal. In competition before this, China wheelchair basketball has to 111-6 overmatched host South Korea, 111-15 bloodbath in iraq...