新关注 > 信息聚合 > 加勒比海盗女星最爱英超西汉姆 称KO曼城最激动

加勒比海盗女星最爱英超西汉姆 称KO曼城最激动

Pirates of the Caribbean actress love West Ham said the most exciting KO Manchester City

2014-11-25 17:49:47来源: 网易

近日,好莱坞著名影星凯拉-奈特莉在参加美国一个脱口秀节目录制时,称自己是英超西汉姆联队的铁杆粉丝,球队战胜曼城的比赛让她无比激动,奈特莉曾因出演好莱坞大片《加勒比海盗》系列红遍全球。 网易体育11...

recently, Hollywood star Kayla - Knightley in American a talk show program recording, said he is Premier League West Ham fans, the team beat Manchester City made her very excited, because Knightley had starred in the Hollywood blockbuster "Pirates of the Caribbean" series of popular all over the world. NetEase sports 11...