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不满外援表现 李春江央视直播爆粗口

Dissatisfaction with the player Li Chunjiang CCTV live broadcast swearing

2014-12-31 23:00:19来源: 新浪

新浪体育讯 北京时间12月31日,两支本赛季异军突起的新军广厦和青岛男篮再次相遇,结果主场作战的广厦男篮106-111不敌青岛,而两队的胜负手无疑在于各自的小个外援。青岛队邓特蒙全场投中9记三分,狂...

Sina Sina sports news Beijing standard time on December 31st, two teams this season A new force suddenly rises. Xinjun Guangsha and Qingdao men's basketball team met again, the home court battle Guangsha team 106-111 not enemy Qingdao, and two of the winning hand is no doubt lies in their small foreign aid. Team Qingdao Deng place audience hit 9 record three points, crazy...

标签: 直播