新关注 > 信息聚合 > 足坛缅怀去世外援:生死高于足球 平安才是真

足坛缅怀去世外援:生死高于足球 平安才是真

Football cherish the memory of the death of foreign aid: life and death than football peace is really Sina

2015-07-04 00:24:38来源: 新浪

卓尔俱乐部发微博缅怀格兰·戈基奇 新浪体育讯 7月3日晚,青岛黄海海牛队训练结束后,中场外援格兰·戈基奇突然休克,失去意识。大巴车紧急将他送往附近的青医附院东院区,22:25经抢救无效后去世,年...

Thatcher Club tweeting memory Glenn Gorki of sina sports dispatch July 3 days late, after the end of the Qingdao Huanghai manatee team training, foreign aid midfielder Glenn Gorki suddenly shock and lost consciousness. Bus emergency he rushed to the east of the hospital in the vicinity of the East Hospital, 22:25, died after the rescue, the year...