新关注 > 信息聚合 > 三星S7 edge蝙蝠侠版要来:价格高达7288?

三星S7 edge蝙蝠侠版要来:价格高达7288?

Samsung S7 edge version of Batman to come: the price up to 7288?

2016-05-29 14:54:39来源: 中关村在线

还记得去年三星推出的钢铁侠版S6 Edge么,去年三星在中国地区推出了1600台钢铁侠版S6 Edge,售价是7288元,现在,三星又要推出S7 edge蝙蝠侠版,不知道价格会是多少呢? 现在,有微博网友已经放出了该机的备货量消息,三星盖乐世社区及Galaxy吧运营经理@雪碧居士是也在...

Remember last year, Samsung's version of Iron Man S6 Edge what, last year Samsung introduced in China in the 1600 Iron Man Edition S6 Edge, the price is 7288 yuan, and now Samsung have to launch S7 edge Batman Edition, will not know the price How much is it? now, there microblogging users has released news of the aircraft equipment shipments, Samsung Galaxy cover Music World community and bar operations manager @ Sprite lay is also ...

标签: 三星