新关注 > 信息聚合 > 一加手机突然撤出台湾 原因不详

一加手机突然撤出台湾 原因不详

Phone with sudden withdrawal due to the Taiwan is unknown

2015-09-20 21:14:22来源: 天极网

相比于其他国产手机,一加最突出的一个特点就是全球出击,而且受到了各地用户、媒体的青睐,不过现在他们开始主动收缩战线了。 昨天,一加官方在繁体中文讨论社区中发布公告,称即日起停止在台湾地区的销售、...

compared to other domestic mobile phone, and one of the most prominent of a feature is a global initiative, but by the favor of users all over the world, the media, but now they are beginning to active contraction front. Yesterday, an official in the traditional Chinese community in the discussion of the announcement, said today to stop the sale in Taiwan area,...