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"相爱吧"收官 周冬雨余文乐魏大勋李沁哪对是真的?

"Falling in love" Dongyu Zhou Shawn Yue Wei Daxun Li Qinna on the ending is true?

2016-06-08 03:00:48来源: 国际在线

周冬雨 余文乐 就一直活跃在大屏幕的90后当红小花旦周冬雨,今年伊始却转战电视真人秀《我们相爱吧》第二季,和相差11岁的余文乐组成了宇宙CP,两人之间独特的恋爱方式也成为了大家茶余饭后的谈资。从刚开始的全民反对到后来的全民热议再到如今的全民追捧,这一路走来虽磕磕绊绊,却让观众有机会了...

Zhoudongyu Shawn Yue has been active in the big screen of the 90 popular small Huadan Zhou Dongyu, at the beginning of this year has moved reality TV show, "we love you" in the second quarter, and difference eleven year old Shawn constitute the universe CP, between the two unique way of love has also become a all the remaining tea after dinner conversation. From the beginning of the national opposition to later the National hot debate to today's national sought after, the road came though bumpy, but let the audience have the opportunity...