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“双拼”大户型遭遇滞销尴尬 一套低价房竟有俩房本

"Double" big family encounter slow-moving embarrassed A set of housing have both the room

2016-06-07 23:15:37来源: 环球网

“一套房子要占两个指标,在这资质贵如黄金的时候,可真没法买。”看完房后,市民李先生摇了摇头。不久前,北京土地市场重提“90/70”政策,然而,十年前为规避“90/70”政策而涌现的“一房两证”的大户型,却因为限购资质的问题,仍陷在尴尬的泥潭中。 一套低价房竟有俩房本 市民李先生属于想...

"A house of two indicators, at the time of the qualification of expensive such as gold, really can't buy." Finish see house, lee shook his head. Recently, the Beijing land market hark back to the "90/70" policy, however, a decade ago to avoid the "90/70" policy and the emergence of "a room two card" of large family, but because of the qualifications for purchasing problem, still trapped in the embarrassing. A set of housing the lee belong to want to have two room...