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Vans携手 TWOTHIRDS 新品释出

Vans to join the new TWOTHIRDS release

2015-05-27 12:56:29来源: 环球鞋网

导语 滑板品牌 Vans 旗下高端支线 Vault by Vans 今季与巴塞罗那环保冲浪品牌 TWOTHIRDS 合作打造了一个鞋履系列。从冲浪文化以及海洋与人类之间的关系汲取灵感,从 TWOT...

lead skateboard brand vans's high-end regional vault by vans this season with Barcelona environment-friendly surf brand TWOTHIRDS cooperation to create a shoe series. From the surf culture as well as the relationship between the oceans and the human relationship to draw inspiration from TWOT...