新关注 > 信息聚合 > 手机游戏的春天!《怪物弹珠》将动画化


Mobile phone game spring! "" the monster marbles mixed

2015-05-12 22:37:25来源: 天极网

mixi公司推出的混合类弹珠卡牌手游《怪物弹珠》自从上线以来好评如潮,不但在日本方面实现了十个月用户破千万的记录,于包括国内等地的反响也非常不错。而近日官方宣布:将制作这款游戏的动画版。 此次动...

mixi card Mobile Games "monster marbles" on the line since rave reviews, not only in Japan to achieve a ten month break 10 million users to record, including domestic and the response is very good. And recently officially announced: will the game animation version. The move...

标签: 游戏