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山东卫视《满仓进城》收视破1 同时段收视夺冠

Shandong satellite TV "Mancang" broken 1 town viewing time viewing the title

2014-12-08 15:48:21来源: 中国青年网

“满仓”于晓光 搜狐娱乐讯 年代情感大戏《满仓进城》12月4日晚于山东卫视天秤剧场开播后在观众中反响强烈,取得良好口碑。12月7日更是以CSM50+1.188的收视率,成为全国同时段收视冠军。 ...

"Mancang" Yu Xiaoguang Sohu Entertainment News's emotional drama "full storehouse town" Shandong satellite TV in December 4th later Libra theatre after the launch in the audience reacted strongly, the good reputation. December 7th is also the CSM50+1.188's ratings, become the throughout the country at the same time ratings champion. ...