新关注 > 信息聚合 > 4年办不了房产证不停投诉才解决 居民称没督办就..

4年办不了房产证不停投诉才解决 居民称没督办就..

4 years do not permit property complaints to solve residents said no supervision is..

2015-07-07 08:37:32来源: 中国新闻网

记者 王兴华 李晓萌 【视频曝光】 汉阳区合汇景苑经济适用房小区马女士向督察员反映,入住4年了,不但房产证没有办下来,连办证必须要的合同和发票都不知道在哪里。她多次拨打市长专线12345,专...

Wang Xinghua Li Xiaomeng [video exposure] Hanyang District Hehui Jingyuan economic application of the housing area, Ms. Ma to reflect the inspector, staying for 4 years the, not only real estate license does not run down, even do the license must be contract and invoice do not know where. She repeatedly call the mayor's hotline 12345, only...