新关注 > 信息聚合 > 国内成品油价今日或迎下调 此前已三连涨

国内成品油价今日或迎下调 此前已三连涨

The domestic refined oil prices today or attack down had been rising for three

2015-06-08 00:43:23来源: 华龙网

中新网6月8日电(能源频道宋亚芬)由于担心石油输出国组织(OPEC)并不会在6月5日举行的奥地利维也纳会议上宣布减产,国际油价连日来持续走跌,两日累计跌幅达5%。多家分析机构预测,今日国内成品油价下调已基本板上钉钉。 进入本计价周期以来,国际油价受到美元汇率走高,石油供应依旧过剩等因...

new network on June 8 (Xinhua) (energy channels song Yafen) due to concerns about the organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and not held on June 5, the Vienna conference announced production cuts, international oil prices in recent days continued to go down, two days cumulative decline of 5%. Many analysts predict that today's domestic oil prices have been reduced to basic Inoue. Since entering the period of valuation, the international oil price has been higher by the dollar, and the supply of oil is still excessive....