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新手基础知识装备卦象等指导 符咒师篇

Basic knowledge of equipment to guide the novice guaxiang spell division article

2015-01-23 04:46:45来源: 多玩游戏

鉴于许多小号有许多基础知识不懂,特编辑此文档,本文乃糖总部分看法,仅供新手参考,如有意见不同者,请点击右上角X掉 一、装备篇 1-79级没什么好说的,现如今的寻仙几天就可以升上来,装备随便用...

since many trumpets have many basic knowledge does not understand, especially to edit this document, this paper is sugar part of view, only for reference for beginners, if there are different opinions, please click X off, equipment grade 1-79 didn't what to say, now Sally look for a few days can rise up, equipment used casually...