新关注 > 信息聚合 > 违法建筑就地强拆 建房人竟是一帮90后

违法建筑就地强拆 建房人竟是一帮90后

Illegal construction in situ housing demolitions was actually a bunch of 90

2015-03-12 23:45:07来源: 青岛网络电视台

昨天我们说过崂山城管对辖区内的几处违法建筑进行强拆,可上午这边刚拆完,下午就有人顶风而上。 两层高的活动板房仅用了半天时间就拔地而起,外面还用砖头水泥建了院墙,建房子的人,竟然是一帮年纪轻轻的9...

yesterday we said the inspectors Laoshan within the jurisdiction of a few illegal buildings were demolished, morning side just demolished, afternoon someone against the wind and. Two storey of the activities of the board room only half a day that have sprung up, outside with bricks and cement walls, houses, turned out to be a bunch of age gently 9...