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朋友圈最赞照片 三星Galaxy A8轻松拍

Circle of friends the most praise photos Samsung Galaxy A8 easily take

2015-07-30 14:49:04来源: 天极网

盛夏来袭,小伙伴们各种派对、聚会约不停。刚刚惊艳亮相的三星Galaxy A8,除了有和高端旗舰并驾齐驱的1600万像素后置摄像头、500万像素前置摄像头、F1.9大光圈外,还有更多好玩、有趣的功能帮...

the incoming summer guy with all the party, the party about constantly. Just stunning debut of the Samsung Galaxy A8, besides and high-end flagship par megapixel rear camera, 500 megapixel front facing camera, F1.9 a large aperture, and more fun, interesting features.

标签: 三星