新关注 > 信息聚合 > 深层清洁打好肌底健康屏障


Deep clean fight muscle bottom barrier health

2015-09-24 22:24:19来源: 和讯网

使用防水的睫毛膏来测试这款洁面乳的的清洁效果。 通过实验可以看出,即使是防水的睫毛膏,雅漾净柔洁面摩丝也能够将其清洁干净。由此说明,这款洁面乳的清洁效果非常优秀,可以用作日常的清洁/卸妆产品,将隐藏在毛孔中的尘埃、污染颗粒、彩妆残留等全部清洁干净。加上其温和的质地,即使敏感性肌肤也可...

use waterproof mascara to test this cleanser cleansing effect. It can be seen from the results, even waterproof mascara, Avene net soft cleanser can also be clean. As a result, the cleansing effect of this cleanser is very good, can be used as a daily cleaning / cleansing products, will be hidden in the pores of the dust, pollution particles, make-up residue, etc.. With its mild texture, even the sensitive skin can also be...