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加专家吁华人家长以学业为重 请假延长假期须三思

Experts called Chinese parents to leave school as the most important holidays to consider

2015-03-13 13:48:37来源: 中国新闻网

中新网3月13日日电 据加拿大《明报》报道,针对加拿大华人家长春假假期前后请假普遍的现象,本那比学务委员贾美玲呼吁说,如果孩子已经进入中学,则尽量以学业为重,出勤率不合要求可能会影响毕业。 贾美...

Beijing March 13th Xinhua Canada "Ming Pao" reports, according to Chinese parents before and after Canada's spring vacation leave phenomenon, Burnaby school members Jia Meiling said, if the child has entered middle school, then try to focus on the studies not, attendance may affect graduation. Jia mei...