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Network literature exploring millet: the battle for white users

2013-11-14 11:38:29来源: 新浪

新浪科技 孟鸿 从盒子到电视,小米多看团队在大屏幕领域吸引的聚光灯,有时让外界忽略了多看起家的业务――电子阅读。如今在这个领域,多看正尝试一次新的冒险。 七千到十万 今年8月16日,小米没有如期发布米3,但推出另一个活动:七个小时里,用户在游戏、主题、图书三类产品上消费多少米...

Sina Technology Meng-hung from the box to the TV, millet see more teams in the field to attract the spotlight of the big screen, and sometimes ignore the outside world started to see more business - electronic reading. Today, in this area, are trying to look at a new adventure. 7000-100000 August 16 this year, there is no scheduled release millet m 3, but launch another activity: seven hours, the number of meters on user consumption games, themes, book three products in ...