新关注 > 信息聚合 > 友加秀场:移动社交“女神”养成记


Friends show: mobile social "goddess" develop a mind

2013-11-12 17:21:03来源: 新浪

李柯达 稍显杂乱的书架上,放着三两本《男人装》。封面尽是穿着清凉的女郎,“开会的时候拿来参考参考,找找灵感。”友加网络科技联合创始人胡铸韬嘿嘿一笑,还没等问题出口就解释说。 这款移动社交应用刚以男女交友为起点问世时,胡铸韬曾听到用户向别人介绍说,它是比陌陌还要神的“神器”。现在,...

Li Keda slightly messy bookcase, placed three two this "FHM". The cover is full of cool girl, "the time of the meeting put reference information, look for inspiration." Friends with network technology co founders Hu Zhutao hey hey a smile, before problems exit is explained. The mobile social application just to men and women as a starting point to come out, Hu Zhutao had heard the user to others said, it is an artifact also God than the Mo Mo "". Now,...

标签: 社交