新关注 > 信息聚合 > 聚焦农民工“返乡创业号”列车启航 川网带你“回..

聚焦农民工“返乡创业号”列车启航 川网带你“回..

Focus on the return of migrant workers to start the business train.

2016-02-01 15:26:48来源: 大河网

工作人员在车厢内宣讲 四川新闻网成都2月1日讯(记者 戴璐岭) 1月30日上午9点,22岁的张鑫踏上了由北京西开往成都的K817次列车。与车厢内大部分乘客不同的是,他上车的目的并不是回家,而是作为...

Staff in the car in Sichuan news network, Sichuan news network, Chengdu, February 1st news (reporter Dai Luling) at 9 a.m. January 30th, 22 year old Zhang Xin set foot on the K817 train from Beijing West to Chengdu. Unlike most of the passengers in the carriage, the purpose of getting on the train is not to go home, but to...