新关注 > 信息聚合 > “三七互娱·全城快闪”惊现小蛮腰 宅舞女神引围观

“三七互娱·全城快闪”惊现小蛮腰 宅舞女神引围观

"Notoginseng, entertainment city, each flash image" small pretty waist Curtilage dance goddess of onlookers

2017-03-08 00:00:00来源: 人民网

3月7日晚,此前频频在各大地标现身的广州首个二次元快闪终于登陆小蛮腰,16名性感火辣的宅舞女神一出场,便引起市民围观叫好,将本次活动推向了高潮。据悉,本次活动由三七互娱举办,从3月1日到7日,不断有快闪的视频照片流出,已经在网上引发了数十万网友的关注和转发。 精美的服装、火辣的舞姿、性感的眼神、甜美的笑容……16个二次元美女随着音乐翩翩起舞,像小蛮腰下的蝴蝶,妖娆多姿。前来观看的许多市民都拿起手机拍照录像,还有一些市民上前去和她们合影。 当音乐跳到高潮时,有一些围观的美女也不自觉地跳了起来,沉浸在欢乐美好的气氛之中。与此同时,小蛮腰上也亮起了“三七互娱”的品牌名,在夜色的...

Frequently in late March 7, the major landmarks in guangzhou first two yuan flash finally landed in small pretty waist, 16 hot goddess of curtilage dance appearance, will cause people onlookers, will this activity to a climax. It is reported, this activity organized by notoginseng and entertainment, from March 1 to 7, constantly have a flash video pictures, has caused the attention of hundreds of thousands of netizens on the net and forward. Elegant clothing, hot dance, sexy eyes, sweet smile... 16 secondary yuan beauty dance with the music, like a small pretty waist under the butterfly, enchanting spectacular. Photographing many citizens have picked up the phone to watch the video, there are some citizens to group photo with them. When music to climax, there are some onlookers beauty also jumped up unconsciously, immersed in joy beautiful atmosphere. At the same time, small pretty waist also lights up the "notoginseng mutual entertainment" brand name, in the night...

标签: 三七互娱