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Massage o2o do scraping the: Secret point to expand product logic

2015-09-18 08:10:01来源: 亿邦动力网


9 month 18, massage o2o point to the recently launched the "scraping" value-added services. Users can make an appointment with a massage after the project, add optional value-added services. It is understood billion state power network, point to the current product line includes a head and shoulder massage, massage, depth massage and the office of head and neck shoulder massage, pediatric massage, and value-added services to the new on-line "scraping". Point to the operating personnel to billion state power network about its product strategy: Office of head and neck massage is the use of expansion scenarios, like hungry? Afternoon tea; pediatric massage and Gua Sha is to explore the true horizontal expansion and profit point, may also point to the o2o industry winter to pro warm clothing. " The staff analysis, increased scrapping the project, provides a systematic and integrated service has the following two advantages: one is to increase customer switching costs, to enhance customer loyalty. The more users buy the same company's products and services, the less likely the customer is to churn. Two...