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桃花源基金会成立 马云马化腾任联席主席

The the Peach Garden Foundation Chairman Ma Yun Ma Huateng

2015-04-10 15:26:56来源: 新浪

桃花源基金会成立 马云马化腾任联席主席 桃花源基金会成立 马云马化腾任联席主席 新浪科技讯 4月10日下午消息,公益机构“桃花源生态保护基金会”今日在宁波宣布成立,马云、马化腾出任该机构董事会联席主席,国内一批知名企业家及公益人士亦参与其中,分别为:沈国军、欧亚平、朱保国、曾梵志、...

the Peach Garden foundation Ma Yun Ma Huateng as co chairman of the Peach Garden foundation Ma Yun Ma Huateng chairman of sina science and technology news April 10th afternoon news, public institutions "the Peach Garden ecological protection fund" today announced the establishment of the Ningbo, Ma Yun, Ma Huateng served as the co chairman of the board of directors, a number of well-known entrepreneurs and the public are also involved, are: Shen Guojun, Ou Yaping, Zhu Baoguo, Zeng fanzhi,...